20 November, 2009

Some of my Grannies!

I have got a few granny squares made over the last week & a bit. Not too bad an effort in between everything else! I have got another 2 but they were AWOL for the picture. Found them after & couldn't be bothered taking another picture. Slack I know. I have no idea how many I will make. I will continue until the blue runs out I guess. Might have to find another ball of the white though as I don't know how much of that I will need at all, to do the outside & join them together. I suppose it doesn't look too bad anyway. Or won't look to bad I hope. It will do for a kid to snuggle up in one day. I won't say when as I need to finish it first & I don't know when that will be.

A square. A square. Can you find a square?
A square. A square. Can you find a square?
Can you find a square? Ready...GO!
The Shape Song #1

1 comment:

Sally said...

I really like that blue!