30 July, 2017

Taking Stock - July

Making :  knitted socks of course!
Cooking :  home made muesli slice was a hit.
Drinking :  coffee to keep warm.
Reading:  some books that I can read & move out of the house.  Current one is Friday Night's by Joanna Trollope.  50c at the library a while back.  Ok, quit reading this one.  Moved on to "Girl on the Train".
Trawling: different sock patterns
Wanting:  the transition back to school after the holidays to go well.
Looking: at photos of my gorgeous new nephew.
Deciding:  what to make for pre-prepared lunches...  ugh...
Wishing: for a massage.
Enjoying:  Snowballs from Anvers chocolate factory.
Waiting:  for a weekend that isn't raining.
Liking:  winding skeins of yarn into cakes.
Loving: the school holidays.
Listening:  Zac Brown Band
Considering:  how to reduce plastics.
Buying: less.
Watching: Nashville from the start of season 1 again.  
Marvelling:  at the ok start to the school term.
Needing: to sit in the sun.
Questioning: my sanity doing all I did at work the other day.  Need a massage now.  
Smelling:  coffee
Wearing:  lots of hand knits.
Bookmarking: recipes for homemade muesli bars.  
Disliking:  the pesky rooster that has virtually moved in.
Opening:  Lots of boxes of new wool at work!

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